Never underestimate the power of paper manipulation! Scrunching, squeezing, curling and cutting. It's all manual! No cricut or printer needed!
Getting the right texture, movement, cuts and creases is what you need to make quick decor for a quick brown fox theme party.

Fox & tree wall backdrop:
Butcher paper
Construction paper
Paper tree - Follow this youtube tutorial on how she made her design!
Fox cut outs -Follow this youtube tutorial on how do a fairly simple fox cut out

for Pom Pom name sign:
Tissue paper
Construction paper
Pom Pom's are always a great tool for decor although they take some time. If you can find pre-made ones, buy them!
Places to likely find them:
Daiso Japan, Dollar tree, 99 cent store, Target, Walmart, Amazon
If you do decide to make them yourself here is a tutorial on how to make them:
Here are some items you can find online:
